Thursday, June 21, 2012

Doubly Nutritious Chocolate Chip Cookies

Oh, come on! Of course my first recipe is a dessert! Why would it not be? ;)

These cookies are AH-MAZINGLY delicious, soft and full of nutritious goodness! Enjoy! 

 { Ingredients } 

1 package chocolate chip cookie mix (I used good ol' Betty)
1 egg
5 tablespoons vegetable oil
1/4 cup water

 { Directions }

1. Preheat oven according to cookie mix directions (so, about 350 degrees). 
2. Combine cookie mix and Chocolate Meal Replacement Shake powder in bowl. 
3. Stir to blend (It will be light brown in color!).
4. Add egg, oil and water. Beat well! (I suggest using an actual hand mixer, as it gets heavy!)
5. Drop by rounded TEASPOONS onto ungreased cookie sheet.
(Please excuse the mess of a cookie sheet in the pic above...geesh! I need new stuff!)
6. Bake according to cookie mix directions (typically it's 8-9 minutes).

When it's all done, your cookies should look like this:

**It's been suggested to add AdvoCare's Chocolate Muscle Gain mix instead of a shake mix. It's a protein shake, so you'd only be getting more protein and who wouldn't want a special protein treat after a nice workout! If you try it, let me know!

{ Nutritional Info }

For 2 cookies--you mean I can have more than one?! HECK YES!, it's:
182 calories
3g Protein
25g Carbs
0g Fiber
15g Sugar
7g Fat
94mg Sodium

Visit my AdvoCare site to order the products used in this recipe today and start baking healthier! 

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